Chinese Brushwork Little Frog Gallery - Chinese prints, note cards, postcards by Charles Chu
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Swans in Autumn painting

Product: Swans in Autumn painting

What a colorful autumn!
How can I let this time slip away?
I take a walk by the pond,
enjoying the leaves spinning in the wind,
watching the swans floating quietly.
They seem to be daydreaming, each in his own way,
undisturbed by the returning geese.

Date: 1996
Type: Animals & birds
Id#: 1230
Size: 28.0 x 45.0 cm
      11.0 x 17.7 inches
Scroll size: 49.1 x 152.7 cm

Original painting by Charles Chu

This painting is mounted on a scroll measuring 19" x 60"

Price: $3800.00

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