Chinese Brushwork Little Frog Gallery - Chinese prints, note cards, postcards by Charles Chu
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Paintings by Charles Chu

Painting by Charles Chu: Trees in Fog
Trees in Fog

Charles Chu seal Little Frog Gallery is divided into a number of "rooms", each showing a different selection of paintings or reproductions.   A special room at the end provides search tools to find any painting in our database.

Aphorisms A beautiful set of small paintings, each one a Charles Chu illustration of a Bettie Chu aphorism.
Landscapes Charles Chu's landscapes tell the story of his life and his travels.  Charles' love for the outdoors and his concern for this planet are evident.
Plants & Flowers Charles Chu's heart opens up for the beauty found in the small and fragile, yet strong and timeless, plant life all around us.
Animals & Birds In these paintings, Charles evokes the essence of the animal kingdom - as seen through the eyes of Charles Chu.
Paintings for sale This room shows all of the paintings that are currently for sale.
Search … We've only put a fraction of Charles' paintings in virtual rooms.  On this page, you can search through our database of over 140 paintings by Charles Chu.
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