Chinese Brushwork Little Frog Gallery - Chinese prints, note cards, postcards by Charles Chu
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Shopping online - questions and answers.

  1. How do I buy from
  2. Why do you ask for my email address?
  3. Is it safe to give my credit card number?
  4. Can't unscrupulous parties intercept internet communications?
  5. How can I trust that you are who you say you are?
  6. What if someone hacks into your computers and steals my credit card number?
  7. I feel safer ordering over the phone.  Can I do that?
  8. I have other questions.  Where do I get answers?

1. How do I buy from

Shopping online is easy.  Just like a store, you add items to your shopping cart, and when you are happy with the items in your cart, you go to the check out counter.  To add an item, click on the "Add to shopping cart" button.  A summary of your cart's contents will appear at the top of the screen, along with a "Show Cart" button and a "Check Out" button.

"Show Cart" shows you what's in your cart and allows you to remove items or change the quantities of items in your cart.

"Check Out" begins a three-step check out process.
    Step 1: Log in to your account (optional).
    Step 2: Enter your billing and shipping addresses.
    Step 3: Review your order and enter your credit card information.
Clicking the "Place Order" button in step 3 will finalize your order and charge your credit card.

2. Why do you ask for my email address?

We use your email address to send you a comfirmation message when your order is accepted, and another notice when your order is shipped.  You may also choose to receive our email newsletter.  You may leave your email address blank if you like.  Rest assured that we will never give your email address to anyone.

3. Is it safe to give my credit card number?

As long as you are operating over a secure SSL connection, you are guanrateed that no one is impersonating our web site, and that during the transaction, nobody else can read your credit card number or any other information you send.  To verify that you have a secure SSL connection, look for a "closed lock" icon at the bottom of the browser window.  The lock appears during the checkout process.

4. Can't unscrupulous parties intercept internet communications?

With a secure SSL connection, all they will see is random bits.  A secure connection uses sophisticated encryption technology to make your data unreadable by anyone but us.

5. How can I trust that you are who you say you are?

Double-click on the "closed lock" logo on your browser for information on our certificate.  Your browser only shows the closed lock for sites that have proven their identity to Netscape and Internet Explorer.

6. What if someone hacks into your computers and steals my credit card number?

Our security systems are unlikely to be breached, but if they are, there will be no credit card numbers to steal.  Your credit card number is deleted immediately after your order is processed.  In fact, it is never even written to hard disk.

7. I feel safer ordering over the phone.  Can I do that?

Absolutely.  Contact us and we'll call you to take your order.

8. I have other questions.  Where do I get answers?

For store policies, click here.

For information on purchasing original paintings, click here.

For all other questions, contact us.

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