About Little Frog Gallery
The idea of showing Charles Chu's artwork and offering
reproductions for sale has been around as long as friends and family have been
gathering around the round table in the Chu dining room. In the summer
of 2002, with the help of Charles' son-in-law, Rob Scala, this idea started
to take real form. Rob started setting up a web site. Family
members gathered all of their Charles Chu paintings to be photographed.
We had many brainstorming sessions around the Chu dining room table.
And on November 3, 2002, www.littlefrog.com came alive.
Little Frog Gallery is a virtual art gallery. The
paintings that appear on the web site are scattered all over the country and
world. The computers housing the site are located in the home of
Rob Scala and Ellen Chu Scala in New London, CT. Also in New London is
the home of Charles and Bettie Chu, where Charles is still creating stunning
Chinese brush paintings. New paintings appear on the site every few weeks.
The web site was created by Rob Scala of
Scala Systems, a software development
consulting company.
Bettie, Charles, Ellen and Rob with Charlie and Lia |
For information on contacting us,
click here.