Submit your painting to the collection
So many of Charles Chu's paintings are not displayed on this site because
they are not available to us - they are in homes and businesses all over the
country, and possibly the world. If you own a Charles Chu painting, would
you to consider adding it to our collection? Not the painting, of course,
just a photograph of it.
If you would be willing to send us an image of your painting, we will add it
to the web site, acknowledging your contribution. We will also send you
a reproduction of your choice from our store as a small thank-you.
To submit an image, carefully take a picture of the painting with a film or
a digital camera. Digital images should be at least 1000 pixels in size.
Film cameras almost always produce better resolution and more accurate color
than digital cameras.
When taking the picture, take care to avoid glare from the glass.
If possible, remove the glass before photographing. If not, take the
picture in direct sunlight, making sure that the only thing reflected in the
glass is a dark object (a dark screen or a building). The goal is to have
the sun shining directly on the painting, while avoiding reflections of sun and sky
in the glass. It is also important for the camera to be centered in front
of the painting.
Once you have taken your picture, gather the following information:
Size of the painting - width x height - not including frame or mat
If it is a scroll, the size of the scroll - width x height
Location of the painting
Which product you would like us to send as a thank-you
Any comments you have which we can display with the image
Send the photo and the information to either:
Mail: |
Little Frog Gallery
35 Blinman Street
New London, CT 06320 |
Email: |