Chinese Brushwork Little Frog Gallery - Chinese prints, note cards, postcards by Charles Chu
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Red Cockaded Woodpecker painting

Product: Red Cockaded Woodpecker painting

By nature we peck at trees in the woods.
This southern land has been our ancestral burial grounds.
We are alarmed by private and public intruders.
Thanks for orders to protect us. Tanks do not shoot at us.
Helicopters stay away from our land.

Now senators quarrel, questioning which is more important,
    to protect the red-cockaded woodpecker or to protect the nation.
We are blamed and may be silenced.
Sunflower seeds do not lure us away, but we hope not to hear the death knell.

Now there is only a small number of red-cockaded woodpeckers. So they are listed as an endangered species. Their survival depends on public concern and protection. I wrote this on the day it was reported in the paper, March 18, 1995

Date: 1995
Type: Animals & birds
Id#: 1010
Size: 33.5 x 75.5 cm
      13.1 x 29.7 inches

Original painting by Charles Chu

The framed painting measures 19" x 36". It is mounted on a black wooden frame, covered by UV-resistant glass.

Price: $4300.00

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